(Freda’s Tapas)
Minimum order 8 persons €60.00 for 8 personsItalian Meatballs in Tomato & Tarragon Sauce
Baked Serrano Ham, Mozzarella & Pesto Crostini
Hot Prawns and White Wine Casserole
2 of each per person
Ideal with a glass of wine, or a Fresh Crunchy Salad as a Main Course Bowl of Salad for 8 €10.00
Another option:
Freda’s Kerry Fried Chicken Bucket With 2 litres of Coke
Minimum order 2 buckets & 2 litres of Coke Feeds 6-8 persons €25.00 pick up only- Full list of Vegetarian, Gluten Free Meals available
- Should you have any dietary requirements I can cater for you